Tips for Getting Rid of Lawn Mushrooms

Tips for Getting Rid of Lawn Mushrooms

Tips for Getting Rid of Lawn Mushrooms


Have you noticed small brown mushrooms popping up in your yard? These pesky fungi can be not only unsightly but also dangerous for your pets and family. Lawn mushrooms typically grow from decaying organic material and can show up anywhere, especially in damp and shaded areas. In this blog post, we will share some of our best tips for getting rid of lawn mushrooms and keeping your yard healthy and beautiful. 


1. Remove the Mushrooms

The first step in getting rid of lawn mushrooms is to remove them manually. Use a garden trowel or gloves to gently remove the mushrooms and their stems. Be sure to dispose of them in a plastic bag or container, as they can spread spores. Avoid using a lawnmower to remove the mushrooms, as this can distribute spores even further.

2. Increase Sunlight and Airflow

Mushrooms thrive in damp and shaded areas, so increasing sunlight and airflow to your lawn can help prevent them from growing. Prune overgrown trees and bushes, and trim back any foliage that may be blocking sunlight. You can also use a rake to break up any thatch or debris on your lawn, which will improve airflow and drainage.

3. Adjust Irrigation

Over-watering your lawn can create a damp environment that is ideal for mushrooms. Adjust your irrigation schedule to ensure that your lawn is not excessively watered, especially during periods of high rainfall. If you notice any areas of standing water, address them immediately to avoid creating breeding grounds for mushrooms.

4. Add Fertilizer

Mushrooms typically grow from decaying organic matter, so adding fertilizer to your lawn can help prevent them from growing. Use a slow-release fertilizer that contains nitrogen, which will promote healthy grass growth and discourage fungal growth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when applying fertilizer to your lawn.

5. Seek Professional Help

If you've tried all of these tips and still can't seem to get rid of the mushrooms in your lawn, it may be time to seek professional help. A lawn care professional can diagnose the root cause of your mushroom problem and provide customized solutions. At From The Ground Up Landscaping, we specialize in residential and commercial lawn care services, including pest management and fertilization. Contact us today for a free estimate. 



Lawn mushrooms can be not only unsightly but also dangerous for your family and pets. By following these tips, you can prevent mushroom growth and keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. Remember to remove mushrooms manually, increase sunlight and airflow, adjust irrigation, add fertilizer, and seek professional help if needed. Remember, if you're looking for sod companies in Orlando, FL, contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today for free estimates.

From The GroundUp


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