Master Plans

Master Plans

Master Plans

This is the year to transform your yard into a stunning space for play, relaxation, and entertainment, with a plethora of garden plans and design ideas. Our Garden Plan Finder and selection of garden plans provide all the essential tools you need. Let us take the lead in garden planning by taking our short and simple Garden Plan Finder quiz.

All you need to know is the size of your space, the amount of sunlight and moisture your landscape receives, and a few other basic garden conditions that may impact your yard, such as concerns about deer. In return, you'll receive comprehensive plant lists, a detailed plan, and an illustration of your garden in full bloom. To bring your garden plan to life, simply visit your local nursery or explore the BHG Garden Store online to acquire all the necessary plants.

If you already know your garden conditions and are seeking inspiration for garden plans and design ideas, explore our collection of nearly 40 free plans. For shaded areas, we offer 18 selections that will infuse your yard with vibrant colors and textures. If your yard is blessed with sunlight, explore our 21 summer garden plans that will immerse you in the beauty of blooming flowers right outside your door. Additionally, we have garden plans tailored for vegetable spaces, cottage gardens, small-space gardening, and low-maintenance areas.

If you need assistance with your master plan or if you're looking for Landscaping services in Florida, Contact From The Ground Up Landscaping today to learn more about our services and for a free estimate.

From The GroundUp


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